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SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics

Table of Contents
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Recognition of Tree Metrics

Hans-Jürgen Bandelt

pp. 1-6

Sorting, Minimal Feedback Sets, and Hamilton Paths in Tournaments

Amotz Bar-Noy and Joseph Naor

pp. 7-20

Parallel Selection with High Probability

Béla Bollobás and Graham Brightwell

pp. 21-31

An Isoperimetric Inequality on the Discrete Torus

Béla Bollobás and Imre Leader

pp. 32-37

On the Distribution of Lengths of Evolutionary Trees

M. Carter, M. Hendy, D. Penny, L. A. Székely, and N. C. Wormald

pp. 38-47

A Fast Perfect-Matching Algorithm in Random Graphs

Olivier Goldschmidt and Dorit S. Hochbaum

pp. 48-57

Asymptotically Optimal Linear Algorithm for the Minimum $k$-Cut in a Random Graph

Olivier Goldschmidt and Dorit S. Hochbaum

pp. 58-73

Brooks Coloring in Parallel

Péter Hajnal and Endre Szemerédi

pp. 74-80

An Almost Linear Time Algorithm for Generalized Matrix Searching

Maria M. Klawe and Daniel J. Kleitman

pp. 81-97

The Boolean Basis Problem and How to Cover Some Polygons by Rectangles

Anna Lubiw

pp. 98-115

A Theory of Proportional Representation

Jean-Luc Petit and Eric Térouanne

pp. 116-139

Bit Serial Multiplication in Finite Fields

Muzhong Wang and Ian F. Blake

pp. 140-148

Calcul Saalschützien des Partitions et des Dérangements Colorés

Jiang Zeng

pp. 149-156